Top ERP Services and Operations Software Vendors

Each year Apps Run The World release an annual study that ranks and analyzes the explosive growth of the world’s largest ERP Services and Operations Enterprise Applications Vendors by their ERP Services and Operations software revenues. Catch the Top 10 ERP Services and Operations Software Vendors and Market Forecast 2023-2028.

Additionally, the latest edition of the Apps and Cloud Top 500 Reports (Sample) will provide software buyers, vendors and investors with an indispensable research tool that puts the dynamics of the ERP Services and Operations Enterprise Applications Market into sharper focus. Updated annually, the rankings in the study are based on 2011-2023 enterprise applications revenues of more than 3,000 enterprise applications vendors in our proprietary database. Subscribe Now and access the profiles of the Top 500+ Enterprise Applications Vendors.

Profile No.VendorKey VerticalsKey Enterprise & Cloud Applications2022-2023 Enterprise Apps Growth, %2023 Enterprise Apps Revenues# of Employees
11C CompanyAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, Utilities1C:ERP-20.4%Subscribe now1200
22U, INC.Higher EducationOnline Campus, edX,-1.8%Subscribe now7144
33i InfotechAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, RetailNure, Altiray Services, EnGRC1%Subscribe now6000
48commonAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesExpense8, CardHero, Perform8, PayHero63.6%Subscribe now60
5AareonReal EstateAareon Smart World, Aareon Wodis Sigma, Aareon Immoblue Pro, Aareon RELion,11.6%Subscribe now2000
6Abacus ResearchConstruction, Real Estate, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Hospitality, Professional Services, UtilitiesAbacus ERP, Abacus HR, Abacus CRM, Abacus Project Management, Abacus Fleet Management, Abacus Service Management, AbaBuild, Aba­Fidu­ciary, AbaRealEstate, AbaGovernment, AbaEnergy3.5%Subscribe now723
7abas SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Transportationabas ERP4.9%Subscribe now1110
8ABBAutomotive, Distribution, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesABB Ability, ABB Ability Genix9.3%Subscribe now107900
9AccelaFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyAccela Civic Platform12.5%Subscribe now600
10Accelya Solutions India LimitedDistribution, TransportationAccelya airRM, Accelya cargoRM, Accelya railRM, Accelya eSmash, Accelya eTamis26.8%Subscribe now2500
11Access GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAccess Screening, Access Compliance, Access CRM, Access Digital Learning, Access ERP, Access EPOS, Access Event, Access Expense, Access PeopleHR, Access PeopleXD, Access In-House Recruiting19.5%Subscribe now6300
12ACI Worldwide, Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesACI On Demand, ACI Universal Payments (UP) solutions.2%Subscribe now3349
13Aclara Software, a Hubbell CompanyFederal Government, State and Local Government, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesAclaraONE-12.8%Subscribe now1700
14ACS TechnologiesK12, Higher Education, Faith-Based NonprofitRealm, ACS, PDS, HeadMaster9%Subscribe now400
15ActionstepProfessional ServicesActionstep22.3%Subscribe now120
16Acturis GroupLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceActuris Predict, Acturis SaaS Platform1.8%Subscribe now1200
17AcumaticaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAcumatica Cloud ERP,3.5%Subscribe now600
18Adenza, a Nasdaq CompanyAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCalypso,3.6%Subscribe now2000
19AdobeAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAdobe Creative Cloud, Experience Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Adobe Captivate Prime13%Subscribe now29239
20AdviseSoftAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, P&C Insurance, Media, Professional ServicesAS Core, AS DynTruss5.3%Subscribe now45
21AerData, a Boeing CompanyAerospace and Defense, Professional Services, TransportationAerData CMS2.4%Subscribe now200
22AFAS SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAFAS Online4.8%Subscribe now638
23AgilysysLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Professional Services, RetailAgilysys InfoGenesis, rGuest, Eatec, Spa, Golf, SWS, Seat, DataMagine, Agilysys Sales & Catering, Stay, LMS21.4%Subscribe now1600
24AGroupBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailAgroup HRB Portal, Agroup HRB Portal Cloud,2%Subscribe now70
25AkkenCloudProfessional ServicesAkkenCloud platform4.3%Subscribe now100
26Alfa Financial SoftwareAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailAlfa Financial Software8.4%Subscribe now400
27AlibabaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAlibaba Cloud8.5%Subscribe now224955
28Alliance EnterprisesFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyAware Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Aware Enterprise, Aware Express, Aware Analytics6%Subscribe now120
29AlmaK12Alma SIS5.9%Subscribe now90
30AltumHealthcare, Life Sciences, Special Cause NonprofitEasygrants 9.1, Altum ProposalCentral3.8%Subscribe now80
31Altus GroupReal EstateARGUS Enterprise, ARGUS acquire, ARGUS Taliance, ARGUS EstateMaster, ARGUS Developer.2.5%Subscribe now2700
32AmadeusHospitality, TransportationAmadeus Central Reservations System, Amadeus Hospitality Operations, Amadeus Hotel Distribution, Amadeus Property Management, Amadeus Sales & Catering, Navitaire21.3%Subscribe now18077
33AmanoAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAmano Time Guardian Software2.4%Subscribe now5083
34AmdocsBanking and Financial Services, Communications, MediaAmdoc amAIz Platform, Amdocs CES, Vindicia CashBox, Vindicia Select, Amdocs Contact Center9.8%Subscribe now29000
35Anthology (Blackboard, Campus Management, Campus Labs, and iModules)K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Professional ServicesBlackboard Learn by Anthology, Anthology Finance & HCM, Anthology Student (SIS), Anthology Payroll, Anthology Academic Economics, Anthology Engage3.7%Subscribe now3600
36Aplos SoftwareFaith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitAplos Accounting Software9.8%Subscribe now80
37AppFolioReal EstateAppFolio Property Manager, AppFolio Investment Management, AppFolio Lisa34.3%Subscribe now1504
38AppianAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAppian BPM Suite40.9%Subscribe now2307
39Applied SystemsLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceApplied Cloud, Applied Epic, Applied TAM, Applied DORIS, Applied CSR24, Applied Mobile, Applied Analytics, Applied Rater, IVANS Markets, IVANS eServicing, IVANS Download,3.6%Subscribe now2500
40AppTricityAerospace and Defense, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesApptricity Asset Management, Apptricity Spend Management, Apptricity Inventory Management, Apptricity Travel and Expense, Apptricity Invoice Management, Apptricity Field Service Management,4.1%Subscribe now100
41Apree Health, formerly Castlight Health and Vera Whole HealthAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, Utilitiesapree total engagement, apree whole health, apree total outcomes4.7%Subscribe now410
42ApteanAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAptean Cloud, Apten Ross ERP, Apten Apprise ERP, Aptean Made2Manage ERP, Aptean Encompix ERP, Aptean Intuitive ERP, Aptean irms|360 WMS, Aptean Catalyst WMS, Aptean Factory MES, Aptean Activplant MES, Aptean TabWare EAM.4.1%Subscribe now3500
43Aptitude SoftwareBanking and Financial Services, Communications, MediaAptitude Lease Accounting Engine, Aptitude Accounting Hub, Aptitude RevStream, Aptitude Fynapse, Aptitude Compliance1.6%Subscribe now527
44AptosRetailAptos ONE1.9%Subscribe now1600
45ARGO Data ResourceBanking and Financial Services, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceTeller Payments Fraud, ARGO retail lending6.6%Subscribe now650
46ARI NetworkAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Distribution, Healthcare, Manufacturing, TransportationARI PartSmart13.2%Subscribe now420
47ArisGlobalLife SciencesArisGlobal LifeSphere Platform19%Subscribe now2100
48AscomFederal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, RetailAscom Digistat, Ascom Unite, Ascom Ofelia1.8%Subscribe now1345
49Aspen TechnologyAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesaspenONE7.3%Subscribe now3900
50Asseco GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAsseco2%Subscribe now32000
51Assembly SoftwareProfessional ServicesTrialWorks and Needles Neos11.8%Subscribe now100
52Atex MediaMediaAtex CMS,1.6%Subscribe now350
53athenahealthHealthcareathenaOne, athenaIDX6.2%Subscribe now7000
54Atos (Including Evidian)Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAtos Secure Digital Workplace Platform1.4%Subscribe now107013
55AureaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAurea CRM, Aurea CloudFix, Aurea AlertFind, BroadVision4.8%Subscribe now2000
56AutodeskAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAutoCAD, Autodesk BIM 360, Character Generator, Fusion, ReCap, InfraWorks, Inventor, Revit, 3ds Max9.2%Subscribe now13700
57Automated Financial Systems (AFS)Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real EstateAFSVision3.4%Subscribe now450
58Automation AnywhereAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesAutomation 36044.4%Subscribe now1700
59AvalaraAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAvalara Platform, Avalara Compliance Cloud, Avalara AvaTax, Avalara Returns, Avalara CertCapture15.7%Subscribe now4900
60Avenu Insights & AnalyticsFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyAvenu HRS Pro, Avenu CPTM, Avenu CPAS, Avenu ITMS6%Subscribe now900
61AVEVA GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesAVEVA Engage,14%Subscribe now6500
62Avid TechnologyMediaAvid Link, AvidPlay, Avid Media Composer, Avid Pro Tools, Avid NEXIS, Avid Media Central1.3%Subscribe now1485
63Axon EnterpriseDistribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Professional ServicesAxon Records, Axon Evidence, Axon Commander, Axon Standards, Axon Performance, Redaction Assistant, Axon Auto-Transcribe, MY9034.6%Subscribe now3330
64BackbaseBanking and Financial ServicesBanking-as-a-Service (BaaS), Backbase Cloud10.8%Subscribe now2200
65BanqsoftBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceBanqsoft View214.8%Subscribe now350
66Benner SistemasAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBenner ERP, Benner Legal, Benner Logistics, Benner RH, Benner Health, Benner Turismo6.6%Subscribe now2000
67Bentley SystemsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBentley Connect,11.8%Subscribe now4104
68Berger-LevraultK12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitBerger-Levrault Cloud,5.9%Subscribe now2100
69Best Practice SoftwareHealthcareBP Premier, BP, BP Allied, BP Comms3.4%Subscribe now240
70BigCommerceAutomotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationBigCommerce Enterprise,14.5%Subscribe now1500
71BIS - Business Integration ServicesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBIS Plena Insan, BIS Plena Expense, BIS HRLytic. BIS Doxagon, BIS Plena Digital Personnel, BIS NowToFuture, BIS ProStaff, BIS Logictix BIS Wintrade3%Subscribe now150
72Bitrix24Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBitrix24 CRM13.9%Subscribe now500
73BiznusSoftAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBiznusSoft Field Service 360, BiznusSoft HR Cloud, BiznusSoft Finance12.5%Subscribe now60
74Black KnightBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Federal GovernmentOptimal Blue, Black Knight’s Expedite Close, Black Knight Rapid Analytics Platform (RAP)-2.7%Subscribe now5700
75BlackbaudAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBlackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT,2.8%Subscribe now3200
76Blackhawk NetworkAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAchievers, Gift Cards29%Subscribe now3200
77BlackRockBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitAladdin Enterprise, eFront, Aladdin Wealth, Aladdin Climate-0.1%Subscribe now19800
78BloombergBanking and Financial Services, Higher EducationBloomberg Terminal, Bloomberg Tax Leased Assets, Bloomberg Trade Order Management Solutions (TOMS), Multi-Asset Risk System (MARS)5.2%Subscribe now21000
79BLR ComplianceAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBLR1.8%Subscribe now510
80BluebeamConstructionBluebeam Revu11.4%Subscribe now550
81Blume GlobalAutomotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationBlume Digital Platform, Blume Real-Time Visibility, Blume Logistics, Blume Supply Chain Orchestration11.5%Subscribe now650
82Boeing JeppesenAerospace and Defense, Professional Services, TransportationBoeing Jeppesen,3.5%Subscribe now3200
83Bottomline TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBottomline PT-X,5.3%Subscribe now2500
84BQE SoftwareProfessional ServicesBQE Core, BQE BillQuick,8.9%Subscribe now270
85Brightly, a Siemens companyK12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitBrightlyEvent Manager, BrightlySmartGov, BrightlyAsset Essentials, BrightlyEnergy Manager, BrightlyPredictor, BrightlyTheWorxHub12.5%Subscribe now800
86Brightree, Resmed CompanyHealthcareBrightree HME Software, Brightree Pharmacy Software, Brightree Orthotics & Prosthetics Software2.6%Subscribe now620
87BriteCoreP&C InsuranceBriteCore10.3%Subscribe now210
88BST GlobalAerospace and Defense, Construction, Real Estate, Public Safety, Professional ServicesBST11 ERP, BST11 Work Management, BST Insights, Resource Management powered by Audere11.1%Subscribe now300
89BuildertrendConstructionBuildertrend Construction Project Management11%Subscribe now550
90BynxAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesbynxFLEET4.6%Subscribe now70
91Calyx AILife SciencesCalyx Medical Imaging, Calyx CTMS,Calyx IRT, Calyx EDC, Calyx RIM22%Subscribe now1900
92Calyx TechnologyBanking and Financial ServicesPoint, Point Central, Path Express, Path Enterprise, Zip, Zenly2.2%Subscribe now250
93CAMMSAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, TransportationCamms Risk, Camms Talent, Camms Project, Camms.Service4.6%Subscribe now450
94Cantaloupe, Inc.Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Professional Services, RetailSeed Live, Seed Cashless+, Seed Pro, Seed Markets18.5%Subscribe now280
95Capita SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSIMS, ControlWorks, Capita One Suite, Integra, Affinity Suite, Retain, Pay360-6.6%Subscribe now50000
96Capital Banking SolutionsBanking and Financial ServicesCapital Banking Solutions CapitalBanker6.4%Subscribe now250
97CarbyneFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, HealthcareCarbyne APEX, Carbyne Universe7.9%Subscribe now160
98Caret ( formerly AbacusNext)Banking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Professional ServicesCARET Legal, HotDocs by Caret, Abacus Payment Exchange (APX), AbacusLaw, Amicus Attorney, Amicus Cloud, OfficeTools by Caret3.3%Subscribe now525
99Casavi GmbhReal EstateCasavi20%Subscribe now125
100CBOSS HoldingCommunicationsCBOSS,3.6%Subscribe now1500
101CCC Intelligent SolutionsAutomotive, Distribution, P&C Insurance, Professional Services, TransportationCCC ONE14.8%Subscribe now2375
102CDK GlobalAutomotiveCDK Drive, CDK Drive Flex, CDK Desking, Elead CRM, CDK New Lot Intelligence, CDK Connected Lot, CDK Credit, CDK Service2.9%Subscribe now6500
103CegedimAutomotive, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life SciencesCegedim Cloud Services,8.6%Subscribe now6469
104CegidAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPeopleVision, Technomedia Talent Management, YourCegid, Y2, Talentsoft2.9%Subscribe now4400
105CelerantRetailCumulus Retail, Stratus Enterprise7.5%Subscribe now230
106CentralSquare TechnologiesFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyClinicalLink, Medworxx,CentralSquare Unify39.6%Subscribe now2050
107CentricBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationCentric Motion eHRM, Centric PaIS, Centric Locus WMS0.9%Subscribe now3327
108Centric Software, Inc.Consumer Packaged Goods, Manufacturing, RetailCentric PLM, Centric Planning, Centric Market Intelligence, Centric Pricing & Inventory and Centric Visual Boards11.1%Subscribe now650
109Certinia (formerly FinancialForce)Communications, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Media, Professional ServicesCertinia Professional Services Cloud, Certinia ERP Cloud, Certinia Customer Success Cloud,7.3%Subscribe now1000
110CGI Group Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCGI Advantage, CGI HORIZON, CGI Njoyn, CGI Sovera4.2%Subscribe now90500
111ChurchTools Innovations GmbHFaith-Based NonprofitChurchTools60%Subscribe now20
112Cin7Consumer Packaged Goods, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailCin7 Orderhive, Cin7 Core, Cin7 Omni12.8%Subscribe now350
113Cincom Systems Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCincom CPQ, Cincom Eloquence, Cincom Control, Cincom Smalltalk, Cincom MANTIS, Cincom SUPRA2.4%Subscribe now900
114Cisco SystemsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCisco Infinite Video Platform, Cisco Spark, Cisco WebEx, Energy Management Suite, Metacloud,5.6%Subscribe now79500
115CisionAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCisionOne, Cision Insights, PR Newswire12.2%Subscribe now4800
116CitiusTech IncHealthcare, Life SciencesCitiusTech Analytics and BI26.8%Subscribe now8500
117CitrixAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCitrix Content Collaboration,2.4%Subscribe now9000
118CivicaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCivica,4.6%Subscribe now6000
119CivicPlusState and Local GovernmentCivicPlus Platform, CivicClerk, CivicHR, CivicReady, CP Mobile,11.1%Subscribe now950
120CivixAerospace and Defense, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Transportation, UtilitiesCenuity suite, ElectioNet suite, AirportIQ suite10%Subscribe now400
121ClarifireBanking and Financial Services, HealthcareClarifire Workflow, Clarifire Health, Clarifire Audits9.1%Subscribe now125
122ClarioHealthcare, Life ScienceseCOA Clinical Trials, Clario Source Document Manager4.6%Subscribe now7200
123Clearwater AnalyticsBanking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, RetailClearwater Analytics,24.6%Subscribe now1728
124ClioProfessional ServicesClio Suite, Clio Manage, Clio Grow, Clio Payments,6.9%Subscribe now1000
125COCCBanking and Financial ServicesCOCC1.9%Subscribe now800
126CodixBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, TransportationIMX - Commercial Finance and Collection Software6.1%Subscribe now850
127CollegeNETHigher Education, Youth and Elderly CareProspect, Admit, ApplyWeb, 25Live, Schedule25, X25, StandOut, What•Do•You•Think, USAcademy, Video Interview, CertiFile8.3%Subscribe now180
128Comarch SoftMAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesComarch ERP, Comarch WMS, Comarch Fraud Protection-4%Subscribe now6871
129CommerceIQConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, RetailCommerceIQ Digital Shelf Analytics, CommerceIQ Ecommerce Sales Management,CommerceIQ Retail Media Management, CommerceIQ’s Market Share,3.8%Subscribe now600
130Community BrandsK12, Higher Education, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitGiveSmart, Senior Systems, MIP Fund Accounting, TADS, YM Careers3.8%Subscribe now2000
131CompuGroup MedicalHealthcareCGM APRIMA, eMEDIX, CGM ENROLL, CGM LABDAQ9.6%Subscribe now9000
132Computer Methods International Corp.Construction, ManufacturingCMiC xCloud7.3%Subscribe now500
133Computer Modeling GroupOil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesCMG CMOST, STARS, GEM, CoFlow, Builder,35.7%Subscribe now296
134ComputronixState and Local GovernmentPOSSE Enterprise Platform, POSSE ABC, POSSE PLS, POSSE GCS9.1%Subscribe now200
135ConcentrixAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationConcentrix GIAS, ConcentrixCX, Concentrix Factorin, Concentrix TradeFree, Concentrix’ Solv12.5%Subscribe now440000
136ConnectwiseCommunications, Professional ServicesAsio by ConnectWise4.3%Subscribe now2000
137Constellation SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFriedman ERP for hosting,23.9%Subscribe now45000
138ContinuumCloudHealthcare, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitWelligent, Part of the ContinuumCloud, DATIS, Part of the ContinuumCloud, CaredFor, Part of the ContinuumCloud16.2%Subscribe now175
139CoreLogicAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesOneHome, CoreLogic Matrix, CoreLogic RiskMeter, DigitalTax Connect, ScanToSketch, CoreLogic Claims Dispatch, Digital Mortgage Platform, CoreLogic CreditXpert, CoreLogic Discovery Platform2%Subscribe now5100
140Cority SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCorityOne9.7%Subscribe now600
141CoStar GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCoStar Suite, Ten-X, CoStar Real Estate Manager14.2%Subscribe now6152
142Cox AutomotiveAutomotiveCox, DealerTrack DMS, VinSolutions CRM4.4%Subscribe now27000
143CSG Systems InternationalAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCSG Ascendon, CSG Xponent, CSG Encompass3.5%Subscribe now6000
144CybozuAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesKintone, Cybozu Office and Garoon13%Subscribe now1115
145DaletAerospace and Defense, State and Local Government, Leisure and Recreation, MediaDalet Galaxy five, Dalet Pyramid, Dalet Flex, Dalet AmberFin44.1%Subscribe now450
146Damstra Holdings LimitedConstruction, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesDamstra Workplace Management3.9%Subscribe now90
147DarwinboxAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDarwinbox92.1%Subscribe now1150
148Dassault SystemesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, Utilities3DEXPERIENCE Portfolio On Cloud,8.9%Subscribe now25377
149DatacomAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDatacom DataPay, Datacom Timpani, Datacom Gateway, Datacom Datascape0.8%Subscribe now6801
150DatalogicAutomotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, TransportationDatalogic-25.7%Subscribe now3069
151DataOceanAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesData Ocean Venus ERP4.5%Subscribe now120
152DATEVAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDATEV Cloud5%Subscribe now8700
153DeemAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDeem (ex Etta), Deem Go14%Subscribe now460
154DEEP POOL Financial Solutions (ex. Koger, Inc.)Banking and Financial ServicesNTAS, KURE, PENTAS, dpWorkflow, ManTra13.3%Subscribe now120
155Deluxe CorporationAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesVerticalResponse, Deluxe Treasury Management, Deluxe People Platform, Deluxe Banker’s Dashboard, Deluxe Credit Union Dashboard, Deluxe Recievables Management-2.1%Subscribe now5863
156DeskeraAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDeskera ERP, Deskera CRM, Deskera People, Deskera Reports, Deskera Shop8.9%Subscribe now400
157Digital RiverCommunications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, RetailDigital River Global Commerce, Digital River World Payments15.3%Subscribe now1300
158DOMUS SoftwareReal EstateDOMUS 1000, DOMUS ERP (formerly DOMUS 4000), DOMUS CLOUD SOLUTION, DOMUS CRM (ex DOMUS NAVI)8.3%Subscribe now120
159DrFirstHealthcareDrFirst Cloud (Blackline, iPrescribe, EPCS Gold, MedHx, PatientAdvisor, Rcopia, SmartStrings, SmartSearch,SmartSig), DrFirst SmartSuite AI, Fuzion by DrFirst9.6%Subscribe now500
160Duck Creek TechnologiesP&C InsuranceDuck Creek Suite,10%Subscribe now2039
161Duzon DigitalwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesDuzon ERP 1016.2%Subscribe now1758
162DXC Technology - InsuranceLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceDXC Assure Digital Platform, DXC Legal Solutions Suite8.3%Subscribe now130000
163eBaoTech CorporationLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceeBao Cloud, eBao InsureMO4.4%Subscribe now1800
164ECi Software SolutionsConstruction, Distribution, Manufacturing, Media, RetailECI MarkSystems5%Subscribe now1700
165eClinicalWorksHealthcareeClinicalWorks,8.1%Subscribe now6000
166ECR SoftwareHealthcare, RetailECRS CATAPULT20.9%Subscribe now200
167Edgeverve, an Infosys companyAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEdgeVerve, Infosys Finacle, Infosys Nia, Panaya, Skava, Infosys Wingspan, AssistEdge9%Subscribe now5500
168EdifecsBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationEdifecs4.3%Subscribe now1000
169EdlundBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceActulus, Lifelink, INPAS, Unitlink, Lifesteps,-5.6%Subscribe now135
170EIS GroupHealthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceEIS Suite5.2%Subscribe now1300
171EllucianHigher EducationBanner by Ellucian, Colleague by Ellucian1.8%Subscribe now3200
172EmburseAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEmburse Abacus, Emburse Certify, Emburse Chrome River, Emburse Captio, Emburse Nexonia, Emburse Tallie8.7%Subscribe now850+
173EMIS HealthHealthcare, Life Sciences, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitEMIS Web, EMIS Mobile, EMIS Web for urgent and emergency care, EMIS Web for community care.4.6%Subscribe now1539
174Enable Global Inc.Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesEnable DealTrack17.4%Subscribe now550
175Entertainment PartnersLeisure and Recreation, MediaEP SmartStudio1.5%Subscribe now2200
176EntrataReal EstateEntrata, Entrata Student, Entrata Affordable, Entrata Commercial, Entrata Military5.9%Subscribe now2500
177EnvestnetBanking and Financial ServicesTamarac, Yodlee Financial Cloud, Envestnet Data & Analytics0.6%Subscribe now3100
178enVistaAutomotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationenVista Enspire22.5%Subscribe now510
179EPG Ehrhardt Partner GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEPG One Supply Chain Execution Suite, EPG One LFS, EPG One Warehouse Control System, EPG ONe TMS, EPG One International Shipping System (ISS), EPG One Contract and Billing, EPG One WFM,6.9%Subscribe now1000
180Epic SystemsHealthcare, Life SciencesEpic EHR cloud,6.5%Subscribe now13000
181EpicorAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEpicor Kinetic (formerly Epicor ERP), Epicor iScala, Epicor BisTrack, Epicor CMS, Epicor Eagle, Epicor Eclipse, Epicor LumberTrack, Epicor Propello, Epicor Prophet 21, Epicor CPQ4.6%Subscribe now4500
182Eque2Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesConstruct Express Cloud for Sage 50, Construct for Sage 50, Construct for Sage 200, Miracle Payroll, Miracle HR, Miracle Time and Attendance, Miracle Umbrella8%Subscribe now175
183Equiniti GroupAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEQ Compendia, EQ Charter, EQ Administrator, EQ Centive, EQ, EQ Passport, EQ Riskfactor66.7%Subscribe now6500
184ERI BancaireBanking and Financial ServicesERI OLYMPIC Banking System20.5%Subscribe now530
185EricssonCommunicationsEricsson Cloud,2.5%Subscribe now99519
186ESKADENIA SoftwareCommunications, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, HospitalityESKA Insures, ESKA Academia, ESKA Carenet, ESKADENIA’s Telecom6.5%Subscribe now330
187eSUB Construction SoftwareConstructioneSUB Cloud6.8%Subscribe now80
188Euna Solutions (Formerly GTY Technology Holdings Inc.)K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, UtilitiesEuna Budget, Euna Procure, Euna Grants, Euna Permits, Euna Payments, Euna K-12 Admin6.6%Subscribe now510
189EventbriteBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesEventbrite Platform26.5%Subscribe now881
190EverbridgeAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCritical Event Management Platform5%Subscribe now1593
191Exact Holding BVAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesExact Financials, Exact Globe, Exact Synergy,6.3%Subscribe now2050
192eXant Software Polska Sp. z o.o.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitieseXant HRM, eXant CRM, eXant ECM, eXant BPM, eXant BCS, eXant B2B9.3%Subscribe now60
193Exela TechnologiesBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesExela HRS, LYNX,iExtrakt, InnovAIt,DoqDNA, CourtQ.XBP (Biller and Payer) Exchange, ExelaH360,2.6%Subscribe now16000
194ExperianAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, Healthcare, Media, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesExperian Cloud5%Subscribe now22400
195Eyefinity, Inc.HealthcareEyefinity Practice Management,5%Subscribe now250
196Facil InformaticaBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Professional ServicesFacil Informatica FacPlan, Facil Informatica FacCRED, Facil Informatica FacCard, Facil Informatica FacPONTO.7.1%Subscribe now250
197FadataLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceINSIS Platform22.6%Subscribe now250
198Faithlife CorporationFaith-Based NonprofitLogos, Proclaim, Sermons, TV, and Pro Media.7.9%Subscribe now350
199Famous SoftwareConsumer Packaged Goods, DistributionFamous ERP6.4%Subscribe now100
200FarEyeConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailFarEye IDM Platform9%Subscribe now1000
201Farsight TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIntegrated HR Platform, Payroll Insights, People Reckoner, Farsight Travel and Expense Management Solution18.5%Subscribe now95
202FICOAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFICO Platform11.7%Subscribe now3455
203FilevineProfessional ServicesFilevine Platform13%Subscribe now530
204FinastraBanking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Manufacturing, RetailFinastra Fusion Essence, Fusion Markets3.1%Subscribe now10700
205FineosLife InsuranceFINEOS AdminSuite-10.2%Subscribe now1042
206FIS GlobalAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFIS Cloud Apps,1%Subscribe now69000
207Fischer Solutions Inc.Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationManagePath, Visual Manager13.3%Subscribe now35
208FiservAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFiserv Cloud for Core Banking, Finxact7.6%Subscribe now42000
209FishbowlAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFishbowl Warehouse, Fishbowl Manufacturing, Fishbowl Online, Boxstorm7.9%Subscribe now200
210FiverrAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFiverr Pro, Fiverr Certified, Fiverr Enterprise, Fiverr Workspace, Fiverr Neo7.2%Subscribe now775
211Flex DatabasesLife SciencesFlex Databases CTMS6.8%Subscribe now70
212FluentgridFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, UtilitiesSmart Utility, Smart Grid, Smart City, Actilligence6.1%Subscribe now900
213FM SystemsBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesFM:Interact Real Estate and Lease Portfolio Management7.2%Subscribe now200
214Focus School SoftwareK12, Higher EducationFocus Student Management13.1%Subscribe now100
215Focus SoftnetAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFocus WMS, Focus 9, Focus MRP, Focus Softnet ERP22.2%Subscribe now860
216Follett School SolutionsK12Follett Destiny, Follett MyDestiny4.2%Subscribe now1500
217Foundation SoftwareConstructionFOUNDATION Software, ProjectHQ, TakeoffHQ, CrewHQ, ExecutiveHQ, Payroll4Construction, WorkMax, McCormick Systems, Estimating Edge, Vector Takeoff8.2%Subscribe now270
218FOURGEN Information Systems (Pvt) LtdConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Hospitality, Life Sciences, RetailCloud Tenants7.8%Subscribe now120
219Fourth EnterprisesLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailFourth Software Solutions Hospitality,5.7%Subscribe now860
220Freewill Solutions CompanyBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationFreewill SMART Solutions Suite, FreewillFX4.8%Subscribe now480
221Frontline EducationK12Frontline10%Subscribe now850
222FujitsuAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesFujitsu Interstage3.5%Subscribe now124055
223GBST HoldingsBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceGBST Composer, Composer API, GBST Catalyst, Illustrate API4.7%Subscribe now600
224GE DigitalAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPredix Asset Performance Management, Predix Operations Performance8.6%Subscribe now5900
225GHXHealthcare, Life SciencesGHX CoreX4.3%Subscribe now1610
226Global PaymentsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesActiveWorks, Activity Cloud19.3%Subscribe now25000
227Global Shop SolutionsManufacturingGlobal Shop Solutions ERP5.2%Subscribe now300
228GPS InsightConstruction, Distribution, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesGPS Tracking, GPS FieldAware7.5%Subscribe now200
229GranicusFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyGranicus GovAccess, Granicus GovDelivery14.8%Subscribe now1000
230Greenway HealthHealthcareGreenway Health Prime Suite,4.1%Subscribe now1293
231Grupo-SpecAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesnetTime, SPEC Manager5.2%Subscribe now100
232GuidewireP&C InsuranceGuidewire InsuranceSuite, Guidewire InsuranceNow, Guidewire Live21.5%Subscribe now3415
233Halliburton LandmarkOil and Gas, ChemicalsDecisionSpace 365, SmartDigital, iEnergy Cloud6.1%Subscribe now2600
234HALO Branded SolutionsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationHalo Employee Recognition30.4%Subscribe now2100
235Halo Service SolutionsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesHaloITSM, HaloPSA, Halo Service Desk17.6%Subscribe now60
236Hansen TechnologiesCommunications, Media, UtilitiesHansen Cloud Solution,5.2%Subscribe now1600
237HarriHealthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailTotal Talent Solution, Harri Workforce Management11.3%Subscribe now300
238HashmicroAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailHashmicro Think Forward, Equip12.4%Subscribe now500
239HaufeAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesLexware ERP, Haufe X360, Haufe Axera9.7%Subscribe now2650
240HCL Technologies Ltd.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAppScan, BigFix, Commerce, Connections, Digital Experience (Portal and Content Manager), Notes Domino, and Unica5.9%Subscribe now225944
241HCSSConstructionHeavyBid, HeavyJob, HCSS Dispatcher, HCSS Equipment360, HCSS FuelerPlus, HCSS Cloud, HCSS Safety, HCSS Telematics, HCSS Plans6.2%Subscribe now520
242HealthStreamHealthcareHealthStream Cloud6.3%Subscribe now1079
243HemlaneReal EstateHemlane4%Subscribe now30
244HexagonAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesHxGN Connect, Nexus, HxGN SDx, HxDR, Xalt, HxGN AgrOn, Leica BLK3606.2%Subscribe now24581
245HEXstreamUtilitiesHEXstream Utility3606.5%Subscribe now80
246HitachiAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesHitachi Lumada2.6%Subscribe now322525
247Hitit BilgisayarProfessional Services, TransportationCrane PSS, Crane OPS, Crane TM, Crane AS, Crane OTA,85.7%Subscribe now390
248Homecare HomebaseHealthcareHCHB Platform, HCHB Intelligence, HCHB Connect8.3%Subscribe now750
249Honeywell InternationalAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesHoneywell3.3%Subscribe now95000
250House of Control, a part of Visma GroupAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesComplete Control9.1%Subscribe now170
251HR Software SolutionsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPayroll OnDemand, SchoolApp OnDemand, HealthDesk OnDemand, HRSS CRM, OverseasApp OnDemand, VisiTrack OnDemand8.7%Subscribe now100
252HuaweiCommunicationsHuawei Cloud7.6%Subscribe now207000
253HuronAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMyRounding,20.7%Subscribe now6480
254Hypoport SEBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceHypoport Credit Platform, Hypoport Private Clients, Hypoport Real Estate Platform and Hypoport Insurance Platform-21.4%Subscribe now2200
255i logu.deReal Estateilogu Real Estate System8.3%Subscribe now10
256Iatric Systems, a Harris Computer Systems CompanyHealthcareAccelero Connect, DetectRx, MobiLab, SmartBoard Vision, Visual Flowsheet3.1%Subscribe now250
257IBMAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIBM SPSS, IBM Maximo Asset Performance Management, IBM Procurement, Kenexa, Cognos, IBM Watson, IBM Planning Analytics, IBM Clinical Development, IBM TRIRIGA Building Insights-0%Subscribe now345900
258IBS Software ServicesAerospace and Defense, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, TransportationiFly Solution Suite,3.4%Subscribe now3900
259ICE Mortgage TechnologyBanking and Financial ServicesICE Mortgage Platform16.7%Subscribe now1800
260IDBSConsumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, UtilitiesIDBS E-WorkBook Cloud,3.1%Subscribe now400
261IFCA MSC BhdConstruction, Real Estate, HospitalityPropertyX, ContractX, HotelX, HRX1.8%Subscribe now600
262IFSAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIFS Cloud,8.3%Subscribe now7000
263Ignite TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIgnite Technologies, EPMLive5.3%Subscribe now200
264iLease Management LLCBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesiLeasePro, iLeaseXpress20.7%Subscribe now15
265Imagine LearningK12Imagine Edgenuity9.5%Subscribe now3000
266IMAGINE SoftwareHealthcareImagineBilling, ImagineCoding, ImagineMedMC,Clearinghouse, BankingQ, ImagineEngagement, ImaginePay, ImagineSimplicity, HonorCare, ImagineAI, ImagineIntelligence, PowerOperations6.3%Subscribe now200
267Immoware24Real EstateImmoware2428.6%Subscribe now50
268ImmoweltAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationImmowelt estateOffice, estatePro and estateSmart4.4%Subscribe now600
269INDATABanking and Financial ServicesIndata iPM Epic10.2%Subscribe now65
270Indra SistemasAerospace and Defense, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Media, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesIndra Multiple Cloud Solutions,12.8%Subscribe now56735
271InEightConstruction, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesInEight Platform5.8%Subscribe now590
272Inetum (formerly Gfi)Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesChronotime Workplace12.2%Subscribe now28000
273Infinite CampusK12Campus Learning Suite, Campus Business Administration Suite, Campus Student Information System3.9%Subscribe now540
274Infinite Computer SolutionsBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationInfinite Brassring Platform, InfiniGrid43.3%Subscribe now10100
275InfobricConstruction, Real Estate, DistributionInfobric Construction, Infobric Fleet, Infobric Workorder, HMSREG, MSite, JobSafe, Hyrma, Intershare9.8%Subscribe now300
276InforAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCloudSuite Aerospace & Defense, CloudSuite Automotive, CloudSuite Business, CloudSuite Business (SMB), CloudSuite Corporate, CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise, CloudSuite Facilities, CloudSuite Fashion, CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management, CloudSuite Food & Beverage, CloudSuite HCM, CloudSuite Healthcare, CloudSuite Hospitality, CloudSuite Industrial (Enterprise Edition), CloudSuite Industrial (SMB), CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine), CloudSuite Public Sector, Infor Configure Price Quote, Infor CRM, Infor HR Service Delivery, Infor Learning Management, Infor Marketing Resource, Infor Rhythm E-commerce & Collaboration Platform, Infor SCM, Infor Service Management, Infor Talent Management, Infor Talent Science, Infor Workforce Management4.8%Subscribe now17500
277InhabitBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesResMan, PropertyBoss, Shiftsuite5.4%Subscribe now1100
278Instructure, Inc.K12, Higher EducationCanvas, Mastery, Impact13.2%Subscribe now1496
279InsuresoftP&C InsuranceDiamond Platform11.1%Subscribe now150
280Insurity, Inc.Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceInsurity’s Insurance Decisions Suite,39.7%Subscribe now1500
281Intelex TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIntelex EHSQ platform2.2%Subscribe now500
282Intellect Design Arena LimitedBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceDigital Transaction Banking, CBX, Trade/Supply Chain Finance, Wealth Cube, Capital Cube, Capital Alpha, CBX Retail, Xponent, Liquidity, Digital Core,9.1%Subscribe now5699
283INtex Publishing GmbH & Co. KGAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesINtex Building, INtex Preporety Management, INtex Inventory, INtex Landlord, INtex Way, INtex adresses, INtex task, INtex order, INtex Mail, INtex cash register, INtex Invoice Receipt, INtex Logbook, INtex fleet, INtex Travel31.3%Subscribe now20
284Intuit Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesQuickBooks, TurboTax, Mint, ProConnect7.3%Subscribe now10600
285ION GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIT2, City Financials, ITS, OpenLink, Reval, Treasura, Wallstreet Suite , Allegro, Aspect, RightAngle, TriplePoint, Acuris, Dealogic, and Selerity4.9%Subscribe now13000
286iptorAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, RetailIptor ERP, Iptor SCM, Iptor multiflex4.6%Subscribe now400
287IQVIAHealthcare, Life SciencesIQVIA CORE, IQVIA ePromo, Nexxus Mobile Intelligence CRM, IQVIA OCE Sales4.4%Subscribe now87000
288IRIS SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesIRIS Cloud Solutions,12.2%Subscribe now1750
289Island PacificRetailIsland Pacific SmartSuite11.5%Subscribe now180
290ITESOFTBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesITESOFT Streamline for Invoices-8%Subscribe now209
291ItinerisFederal Government, State and Local Government, Professional Services, UtilitiesUMAX Finance, UMAX Supply Chain Management, UMAX Field Services, UMAX Asset Management, UMAX Customer Service, UMAX Marketing, UMAX Sales, UMAX CIS,11.2%Subscribe now450
292Itron Inc.Federal Government, State and Local Government, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesItron Analytics,10.4%Subscribe now4822
293Jack Henry & AssociatesBanking and Financial ServicesProfitStars, Jack Henry Banking, Symitar5.1%Subscribe now7120
294JDM Technology GroupAerospace and Defense, Construction, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, UtilitiesJDM Technology Group solutions, Explorer Cloud,4.1%Subscribe now575
295JenzabarHigher EducationJenzabar One, Jenzabar SONIS, Jenzabar Campus Marketplace4.2%Subscribe now520
296Jesta I.SConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, RetailVision Sourcing & Demand, Vision Merchandising, Vision Store & Omnichannel, Vision Analytics9.4%Subscribe now120
297JLLAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAzara, Building Engines, Corrigo, Hank, JLL Marketplace-0.4%Subscribe now103300
298Johnson ControlsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesMetasys Software,4.3%Subscribe now100000
299Jolt SoftwareConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Youth and Elderly Care, RetailJolt9.1%Subscribe now190
300Kantata (ex Mavenlink)Professional ServicesKantata Business Intelligence, Kantata Mavenlink PSA , Kantata Project Management, Kantata Team Collaboration, Kantata Financial Management, Kantata Resource Management11.8%Subscribe now700
301Kaseya (including Datto)Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesKaseya IT Complete Platform, Kaseya TruMethods, Datto Autotask, Datto Workplace, IT Glue, Spanning Cloud Apps2.3%Subscribe now4500
302KeylaneLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceKeylane Plexus, Keylane Axon6.9%Subscribe now675
303KingdeeAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesKingdee ERP7.8%Subscribe now11968
304KissflowAutomotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, K12, Higher Education, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, RetailKissflow HR Cloud, Kissflow Procurement Cloud, Kissflow Project ,5.4%Subscribe now450
305KnosysAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesKnowledgeIQ, GreenOrbit, Libero12.7%Subscribe now40
306Koerber GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationHighJump Warehouse Management, Werum MES Solution, Korber Yard Management System (YMS)19%Subscribe now12798
307LabWareConsumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesLabWare LIMS, LabWare ELN11.1%Subscribe now750
308LEAP Legal SoftwareProfessional ServicesLEAP Legal Software3.6%Subscribe now600
309Lease HarborAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesApex, Harbor Flex2.8%Subscribe now45
310LeaseAcceleratorAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesLeaseAccelerator5.4%Subscribe now180
311LeaseCalcs, Inc.Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationLeaseCalcs5.9%Subscribe now35
312LeaseQueryBanking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesLeaseQuery, LeaseGuru,LeaseQuery Essential, LeaseQuery for NetSuite-13.1%Subscribe now438
313LectraAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Manufacturing, RetailFashion On Demand by Lecra, Furniture on Demand by Lecra, FocusQuantum, Vector Automotive-8.7%Subscribe now2550
314LexisNexis, a RELX CompanyAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesLexisNexis InterAction,19.1%Subscribe now11300
315LGI Health Solutions Formerly (Logibec Groupe Informatique)HealthcareLogibec eClinibase, Logibec HCM VIP, Logibec S&A, MatrixCare EHR, Logibec HCM, Logibec FMS, Logibec MMS, Intellium, ContinuumCore1.9%Subscribe now450
316Lightspeed CommerceLeisure and Recreation, RetailLightspeed Retail, Lightspeed Restaurant, Lightspeed Golf17.8%Subscribe now3000
317LimeTrayRetailLimeTray POS, LimeTray CRM10.6%Subscribe now267
318LinedataBanking and Financial Services, Life InsuranceLinedata Asset Management Platform, Linedata Protect, Linedata Icon, Linedata Navquest, Linedata Longview OMS Suite10.2%Subscribe now1300
319LitifyFederal Government, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Professional ServicesLitify Platform5%Subscribe now200
320LoanLogicsBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceLoanLogics IDEA, LoanHD Loan Quality Management platform, LoanHD Investor Module for Correspondent Loan Acquisition11.4%Subscribe now120
321Locus TechnologiesConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesLocus EIM, Locus Platform, Locus Mobile3.1%Subscribe now110
322LogiNext SolutionsBanking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationLogiNext Mile, LogiNext Field, LogiNext Haul, LogiNext On-Demand, LogiNext Reserved9.9%Subscribe now150
323LOVISAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesLOVIS EOS20%Subscribe now35
324LTi Technology SolutionsBanking and Financial ServicesLTi’s ASPIRE platform3.9%Subscribe now200
325Lufthansa SystemsAerospace and Defense, TransportationNetLine/Plan, NetLine/Sched, NetLine/Slot, Lido Flight 4D, Lido mPilot, BoardConnect3.8%Subscribe now2800
326Mad MobileRetailMad Mobile7.7%Subscribe now400
327Madis BrazilAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMadis Cloud6.4%Subscribe now300
328MagniteAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMagnite Demand Manager, Magnite SpringServe, Magnite Carbon7.3%Subscribe now947
329MajescoLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceMajesco CloudInsurer P&C Core Suite, Digital1st Insurance, CloudInsurer LifePlus, Cloudinsurer L&A and Group Core Suite, Majesco Health Core25.1%Subscribe now3000
330MambuBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Professional Services, RetailMambu Cloud Banking Platform22.2%Subscribe now850
331Mark43Public SafetyMark43 CAD, Mark43 RMS, Mark43 ANALYTICS12.8%Subscribe now300
332MaropostAutomotive, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Media, Professional Services, RetailMaropost Marketing Cloud, Maropost Retail Cloud, Maropost Commerce Cloud, Maropost Search Cloud, Maropost Service Cloud5%Subscribe now350
333MavenirCommunicationsXura,1.3%Subscribe now5520
334McKessonHealthcare, Life SciencesMcKesson HealthQx12%Subscribe now75000
335MedeAnalytics IncHealthcareMedeAnalytics Platform ,6%Subscribe now500
336MEDHOSTHealthcareMEDHOST Cloud5.2%Subscribe now800
337MediaflyBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, RetailMediafly17%Subscribe now250
338Medical Director, a Telstra Health CompanyHealthcareHelix, Clinical, Pracsoft, Bluechip6.4%Subscribe now200
339MEDITECHHealthcareMEDITECH Expanse, MEDITECH as a Service1.2%Subscribe now3500
340Mercury SystemsAerospace and Defense, Public SafetyMercury Processing Platform-8.7%Subscribe now2600
341Meridian Medical Management, a CareCloud CompanyHealthcareVertexDr, PrecisionBI,Origin Healthcare Solutions-5.7%Subscribe now500
342Mi9 RetailRetailMi9 Cloud,4.5%Subscribe now250
343MicrosoftAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMicrosoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics SL, Office 365, Linkedin7%Subscribe now221000
344Milliman MarcAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMilliman Datalytics-Defense, Milliman CHESS, Milliman IntelliScript6%Subscribe now4600
345MINDBODYLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Professional ServicesMinfbody Software, Booker Software8.2%Subscribe now2000
346Ministry BrandsFaith-Based NonprofitMinistry Brands ParishSOFT, Ministry Brands Faith Direct3.7%Subscribe now700
347Mitchell, an Enlyte CompanyAutomotive, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceMitchell Intelligent Estimating4%Subscribe now2000
348Mitratech Holdings, Inc.Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesMitratech TeamConnect, Mitratech LawTrack,4.8%Subscribe now700
349Model NLife Sciences, ManufacturingRevenue Cloud,14%Subscribe now1035
350MomentisConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, RetailMomentis, Trenza11.7%Subscribe now100
351Motorola SolutionsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCommandCentral9.5%Subscribe now21000
352MRI Software LLCAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMRI SaaS,9.1%Subscribe now3000
353MSCIBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceMSCI ONE, Barra Portfolio Manager, MSCI RiskMetrics HedgePlatform12.5%Subscribe now5794
354MurexAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMurex MX.32.6%Subscribe now3000
355MYOBAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesMYOB Essentials, MYOB Accountright, MYOB Essentials Payroll, MYOB Advanced, MYOB EXO, MYOB PayGlobal, MYOB GreenTree, MYOB Practice,5%Subscribe now2000
356NakisaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesNakisa Lease Administration, Nakisa Organizational Design5.1%Subscribe now300
357NantHealthHealthcareNantHealth Eviti Connect, NantHealth Eviti Adviser, NantHealth NaviNet Open, NantHealth NaviNet Allpayer Access7.5%Subscribe now365
358nCino, Inc.Banking and Financial ServicesnCino Bank Operating System53.3%Subscribe now1700
359NCR CorporationBanking and Financial Services, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailNCR Atleos, NCR Voyix8.3%Subscribe now35000
360NEC CorporationAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesNEC NetCracker, NEC FlexProcess, NEC Obbligato, NEC MasterScope, Avaloq Core, Avaloq Engage2%Subscribe now118527
361Nelnet, Inc.Banking and Financial Services, Communications, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Professional Services, UtilitiesFACTS, Nelnet Campus Commerce, Nelnet Payment Services, Nelnet International, Nelnet Community Engagement,Xetta,CD2 Learning, Catholic Faith Technologies. Vosaic,Nelnet Bank,BenefitEd,4.9%Subscribe now8237
362Nemetschek GroupConstruction, Real Estate, Media, Professional ServicesAllplan Architecture, Allplan Engineering, Allplan Bimplus, Bluebeam Revu, Bluebeam Revu iPad, Bluebeam Vu for iPad, Bluebeam Studio Prime, iX-Haus, DDS-CAD MEP, DDS-CAD Architecture & Construction, DDS-CAD Viewer, dRofus, FRILO, ARCHICAD, BIMx, BIMcloud, Cinema 4D, Redshift, Cineware, NEVARIS BIM, NEVARIS Build, NEVARIS Finance, PLANBAR, TIM, RISA-3D, RISAFloor, RISAFoundation, RISAConnection, RISA-2D, RISASection, SCIA Engineer, SDS/2 Detailing, SDS/2 Engineering, SDS/2 Concrete, SDS/2 Fabricating, SDS/2 Erector, SDS/2 BIM, SDS/2 Approval, SDS/2 Viewer, SDS/2 Connect7.8%Subscribe now3406
363Neon OneFaith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitNeonCRM, Neon One, NeonPay, Neon Events, Neon CCM, Neon Membership, NeonRaise, Neon Giving Days,8.7%Subscribe now200
364Netgain SolutionsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesNetlease, Netasset, Netloan,17.6%Subscribe now50
365NetSol Technologies Inc.Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, P&C Insurance, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesNSF Ascent, NFS Digital, NXT, LeasePak Cloud, LeaseSoft-6%Subscribe now1770
366Newgen SoftwareBanking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Professional Services, RetailThe comprehensive suite of solutions provided by Newgen encompasses Newgen OmniFlow iBPS, OmniDocs ECM, OmniOMS CCM, Newgen OmniAcquire, Newgen Enterprise Mobility Framework, Newgen OmniReports ERM, and the Newgen Invoice Processing System, in addition to the Cheque Truncation System.3.9%Subscribe now3876
367NexTech SystemsHealthcareNexCloud,8.7%Subscribe now420
368NextGen HealthcareHealthcareNextGen Enterprise EHR, NextGen Office, NextGen Telehealth,9%Subscribe now2800
369Nomos OneAerospace and Defense, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesNomos One Lease Accounting5.8%Subscribe now70
370NTrust InfotechBanking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationREmaapAI, REAP+, Eximius BPO6.6%Subscribe now1100
371OATIState and Local Government, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesOATI Energy Trading & Risk Management2.8%Subscribe now1100
372OBICBanking and Financial Services, Distribution, Manufacturing, Professional ServicesOBIC712%Subscribe now2082
373OdessaAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Life Sciences, ManufacturingOdessa Platform8.7%Subscribe now1250
374OdooAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesOdoo CRM, Odoo Accounting, Odoo HR, Odoo Project, Odoo Sales, Odoo Events, Odoo Marketing,25%Subscribe now2800
375OloLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailOlo Platform23.4%Subscribe now712
376OneShield SoftwareLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceOneShield P&C Solutions, OneShield Life Solutions, OneShield Market Solutions,15.8%Subscribe now430
377OnitAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesOnitX ELM, OnitX Legal Service Management, OnitX Contract Lifecycle Management, SecureDocs15.3%Subscribe now450
378onOfficeConstruction, Real EstateonOffice20.2%Subscribe now330
379Open Text CorporationAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesOpenText Content Cloud, OpenText Business Network Cloud, OpenText Experience Cloud, OpenText Security & Protection Cloud, OpenText Developer Cloud4.1%Subscribe now14800
380OpenbravoAutomotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Leisure and Recreation, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailOpenbravo Commerce Central, Openbravo OMS, Openbravo Store, Openbravo WMS, Openbravo Reporting, Openbravo Technology Platform6.9%Subscribe now180
381OpenGovK12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyOpenGov ERP Cloud1.8%Subscribe now700
382OperativeMediaOnAir, IBMS, Operative One, Broadway8.2%Subscribe now1350
383OptivaCommunicationsOptiva BSS Platform, Optiva Charging Engine-23%Subscribe now386
384OracleAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesOracle ERP Cloud, Oracle Analytics Cloud, Oracle CX Cloud, Oracle Data Cloud, Oracle EPM Cloud, Oracle ERP Cloud, Oracle HCM Cloud, Oracle Hospitality Cloud Solutions, Oracle PPM Cloud, Oracle SCM Cloud, Oracle Social Cloud, Oracle Utilities Cloud, Oracle Utilities Opower Cloud, Textura Cloud Solutions, NetSuite ERP, NetSuite HCM, NetSuite OneWorld, NetSuite PSA, NetSuite SCM, NetSuite SuiteCommerce, along with scores of industry solutions for banking, life sciences, utilities, and other verticals.7.9%Subscribe now164000
385Orah (formerly Boardingware)K12, Higher EducationOrah School Management System11.1%Subscribe now50
386ORTECAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesORTEC Workforce Planning, ORTEC Workforce Scheduling, ORTEC Service Planning5.6%Subscribe now1100
387OverITAutomotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesGeocall, SPACE 1,12.2%Subscribe now600
388Pacific & Orient BerhadLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceGBSEIS, INGENIUS, iAgent-7.8%Subscribe now610
389PagerDutyAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPagerDuty Operations Cloud16.3%Subscribe now1166
390Palantir TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPalantir Gotham, Palantir Foundry, Palantir Apollo, Palantir Platform19.7%Subscribe now3735
391PartechLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailPAR Brink POS Software,17.1%Subscribe now1700
392Passport Labs, Inc.Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Professional ServicesPassport Platform (Parking, Permits, Enforcement, Transit, Back Office and Reporting.)6.4%Subscribe now400
393PayItFederal Government, State and Local GovernmentPayIt Platform7.8%Subscribe now250
394PayPropReal EstatePayProp25.9%Subscribe now134
395PDI SoftwareConsumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Retail, TransportationPDI Consumer Engagement, PDI ERP, PDI POS, PDI Logistics14.4%Subscribe now1300
396Penta TechnologiesConstructionPenta12.5%Subscribe now95
397Pitney BowesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesBorderfree, Pitney Bowes Commerce Cloud-7.8%Subscribe now11000
398PlanData Systems Corp.Real EstateLeaseMan, SpaceMan, iFloorMan, iSpaceMan20%Subscribe now10
399Planning CenterFaith-Based NonprofitPlanning Center11.8%Subscribe now140
400PlanonAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPlanon Universe1.6%Subscribe now1000
401PowerChurch SoftwareFaith-Based NonprofitPowerChurch Plus, PowerChurch Online18%Subscribe now15
402PowerSchool GroupK12, Higher EducationPowerSchool Unified Classroom, PowerSchool Unified Administration, PowerSchool Unified Talent, Chalkable, Schoology LMS.10.6%Subscribe now3000
403PraxedoAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPraxedo11.8%Subscribe now110
404PRGX Global Inc.Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, UtilitiesPRGX Recovery Audit,13.2%Subscribe now1600
405proALPHAAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesproALPHA ERP,5.2%Subscribe now2200
406ProcoreConstructionProcore Project Management Software31.7%Subscribe now3568
407ProgenesisAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationProgen, Progen Analytics, Accordant, Petra14.3%Subscribe now25
408Prometheus GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesPrometheus Platform, Prometheus APM22.2%Subscribe now1200
409Pronto SoftwareAutomotive, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationPronto Xi ERP, Pronto Woven, Pronto Cloud, Pronto iQ2.7%Subscribe now475
410Property MatrixReal Estate, HospitalityProperty Matrix9.4%Subscribe now30
411Property VistaReal EstateProperty Vista, LeadManaging14.9%Subscribe now50
412Property WorksAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesProperty Works Lease Accounting8.6%Subscribe now55
413PROS HoldingsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationPROS Revenue Management, PROS Platform9.7%Subscribe now1486
414PSI SoftwareManufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesPSI Cloud Suite,0.6%Subscribe now2251
415PushpayK12, Higher Education, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitPushpay Church Management Software, ParishStaq, ChurchStaq4.3%Subscribe now564
416Q2 Holdings, Inc.Banking and Financial ServicesQ2 Digital Banking Platform, PrecisionLender Platform, Q2 Cloud Lending Platform, Q2 Innovation Studio, Helix10.2%Subscribe now2249
417QADAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesQAD Adaptive ERP, QAD EQMS, QAD Digital Supply Chain Planning (DSCP)3.7%Subscribe now1930
418QiraReal EstateQira4.5%Subscribe now25
419QuadientAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesQuadient Inspire Cloud, Quadient Customer Journey Mapping, Quadient Mobile Advantage, Quadient Inspire, Quadient Bulk Mailer, Quadient Correspondence,-0.1%Subscribe now4900
420QualifactsHealthcareCareLogic EHR, Credible, InSync, OnCall7.2%Subscribe now400
421QuillFederal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Professional ServicesQuill8.5%Subscribe now103
422Quorum SoftwareOil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesMyQuorum, Energy IQ, WellEZ,4.5%Subscribe now1450
423R1 RCMHealthcareR1 RCM, R1 Entri,R1 Denials Recovery,R1 Entri Pay39.2%Subscribe now29400
424RakenConstructionRaken2.7%Subscribe now120
425Ramco SystemsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, Federal Government, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesRamco ERP, Ramco HCM, Ramco Aviation, Ramco Logistics, Ramco MRO2.4%Subscribe now1800
426RapidDeployCommunications, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyEclipse Analytics, Radius Mapping, Radius Mapping, Lightning22.4%Subscribe now200
427RapidSOSPublic SafetyRapidSOS Clearinghouse13.1%Subscribe now250
428Re-Leased Software Company LtdReal Estate, Professional ServicesRe-Leased10.9%Subscribe now160
429ReadyTechAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesHR3 Cloud, ePayroll, JR Plus, Zambion, AussiePay28.2%Subscribe now450
430RealNexBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, Professional ServicesRealNex Suite, RealNex NavigatorPRO25.6%Subscribe now50
431RealPageReal EstateOneSite, Propertyware, Buildium, RealPage Financial Services, Kigo, Spend Management Solutions, SmartSource IT, EasyLMS2.6%Subscribe now7540
432ReckonAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesReckon One,0%Subscribe now300
433Recruit HoldingsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation,, Glassdoor50.6%Subscribe now58493
434Rediker SoftwareK12, Higher EducationAdministrator’s Plus, Admissions Plus Pro, TeacherPlus Gradebook, Teacher Evaluator, and RediSite7.9%Subscribe now100
435RedTeam Software, LLCConstructionRedTeam Project Management, Fieldlen, RedTeam GO, RedTeam Flex.8.1%Subscribe now150
436RemoteLandlordReal EstateRemoteLandlord20%Subscribe now5
437Renaissance LearningK12Star Assessments, Star Phonics, myON12.7%Subscribe now1200
438Rent Manager by London Computer SystemsReal EstateRent Manager9.5%Subscribe now300
439RepliconAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesReplicon Platform,3.6%Subscribe now700
440RevalizeAutomotive, Communications, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationRevalize CPQ, Revalize PLM,9%Subscribe now500
441Revvity, Inc. (ex Perkinelmer, Inc.)Healthcare, Life SciencesChemDraw, ChemOffice, Signals ChemDraw, Signals Notebook, Signals Inventa, Signals VitroVivo-17%Subscribe now11000
442Reynolds and ReynoldsAutomotiveERA-IGNITE, Power, Reynolds Retail Management System, ReySource, docuPAD system1.5%Subscribe now4300
443RIB SoftwareConstructioniTWO (Cloud Platform for construction and real-estate),4.2%Subscribe now2610
444RiskifiedAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesRiskified Platform16.3%Subscribe now730
445RiskonnectAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesRiskonnect,14.3%Subscribe now525
446Rockwell AutomationAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Leisure and Recreation, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesFactoryTalk, DesignSuite, OperationSuite, MaintenanceSuite, InnovationSuite,16.7%Subscribe now29000
447RootstockAerospace and Defense, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional ServicesRootstock Cloud ERP10.1%Subscribe now150
448Roper TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAderant, CBORD/Horizon, CliniSys, Data Innovations, Deltek, Frontline Education, IntelliTrans, PowerPlan, Strata, Vertafore16.2%Subscribe now15800
449Saab SensisAerospace and Defense, Federal Government, TransportationSaab ATM5.4%Subscribe now450
450SABREHospitality, TransportationSabre Airline Solutions, Sabre Property Management System, SynXis Central Reservation System,18.3%Subscribe now6232
451SageAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSage Business Cloud, Sage5020.1%Subscribe now11574
452Sagitec SolutionsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSagitec Neosurance, Sagitec Neospin, Sagitec Neofraud, Sagitec HealConnect10.6%Subscribe now1300
453SalesforceAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSalesforce Commerce Cloud Digital, Salesforce Community Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Salesforce Quote-to-Cash, Service Cloud, Salesforce Wave Analytics, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, Tableau12.4%Subscribe now72682
454SAPAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSAP S/4 HANA, SAP S/4 HANA Cloud, SAP ERP ECC 6.0, SAP Business ByDesign (ERP for Midsize Business), SAP Business One Cloud (ERP for Small Business), Ariba Network: Sourcing, Procurement, & Finance, Concur Expense, Concur Invoice, Concur Travel, Fieldglass: Flexible Labor Management, SAP BusinessObjects Cloud for Analytics, SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer, SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales, SAP Hybris Cloud for Service, SAP Hybris Commerce, SAP Hybris Marketing, SAP Qualtrics, SAP Jam Collaboration, SAP Jam Communities, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, SuccessFactors Performance Management, SuccessFactors Recruiting5.7%Subscribe now107602
455Sapiens International CorporationLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceSapiens CoreSuite for Life and Pension, Sapiens PolicyPro for Property and Casualty, Sapiens CoreSuite for Life and Annuities, Sapiens CoreSuite for Workers’ Compensation8.4%Subscribe now5000
456SavvasK12Savvas Realize, Savvas EasyBridge, Savvas enVision, Savvas myView Literacy42.9%Subscribe now2500
457SCC Soft ComputerHigher Education, HealthcareSoftLIMS3.6%Subscribe now2000
458Schlumberger SoftwareOil and Gas, ChemicalsPetrel, Techlog, Avocet, Studio E&P, Delfi, Schlumberger Enterprise Data Management Solution17.9%Subscribe now99000
459SchoolMint Inc.K12, Higher EducationSchoolFinder, Application & Lottery Management, MultApply8.7%Subscribe now250
460SchrodingerAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, ChemicalsSchrödinger software release 2017-1,19.4%Subscribe now867
461SDB GroupHealthcare, Youth and Elderly CareSDB HR, SDB Salary, SDB Octopus12.9%Subscribe now450
462SEAC SPAProfessional ServicesSeac Gestione Leasing11.2%Subscribe now220
463Securitas TechnologyAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesSecureStat HQ, SecureStat, Arial 11 Emergency Nurse Call15.3%Subscribe now13000
464Seismic SoftwareBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional ServicesSeismic Storytelling Platform8.1%Subscribe now1500
465Senior SistemasAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSenior MegaERP, Senior X Platform, Senior HCM, Senior HCM GO UP22.2%Subscribe now2700
466SEPTEO (Legal Suite)Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSepteo Legal Suite5.5%Subscribe now2700
467ServiceNowAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesServiceNow Now Platform, ServiceNow IT Service Management, ServiceNow IT Business Management, ServiceNow DevOps, ServiceNow IT Asset Management, ServiceNow Security Operations, ServiceNow Governance, Risk and Compliance, ServiceNow HR Service Delivery, ServiceNow Safe Workplace Suite of applications, ServiceNow Workplace Service Delivery, ServiceNow Legal Service Delivery, ServiceNow Customer Service Management, ServiceNow Field Service Management, ServiceNow Connected Operations, ServiceNow App Engine, ServiceNow IntegrationHub25.1%Subscribe now20433
468ServicePowerAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Professional Services, RetailServiceOperations,20.2%Subscribe now180
469Shell Catalysts & TechnologiesOil and Gas, ChemicalsShell Global Solution8.6%Subscribe now380
470Shift4 PaymentsConsumer Packaged Goods, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationSkyTab POS, SkyTab Mobile,28.7%Subscribe now3030
471SiesaAutomotive, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationSiesa ERP, Siesa POS, Siesa CRM, Siesa e-Commerce, Siesa HCM, Siesa Intelligence, Siesa e-Invoicing, Siesa Mobile11.8%Subscribe now950
472Silverlake AxisAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Retail, TransportationMerimen Insurance Solution, AgoraCloud, Silverlake Axis Flagship, TransactzNow0.4%Subscribe now2321
473SimCorpBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceSimCorp Dimension, SimCorp Gain, SimCorp Sofia, SimCorp Coric24.2%Subscribe now2800
474SistranBanking and Financial Services, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceSISE (Life, P&C, Surety), iConnectance, AVA6.8%Subscribe now850
475SITAAerospace and Defense, TransportationATI Cloud,0.5%Subscribe now4700
476SkywardK12, State and Local GovernmentSkyward Student Management Suite, Skyward School Business Suite, Skyward Municipality Management Suite7.6%Subscribe now650
477SofterWareK12, Higher Education, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitDonorPerfect, ReadySetAuction, SafeSave3.7%Subscribe now500
478Solera HoldingsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Distribution, P&C Insurance, Professional Services, TransportationSolera7%Subscribe now7500
479SoliFi formerly IDSAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing, Professional ServicesInfoLease15.4%Subscribe now350
480Sopra SteriaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSopra Steria Cassiopae, Sopra Banking Software, Sopra Financing Platform, Sopra HR Software13.8%Subscribe now49690
481SoundThinking (formerly ShotSpotter)Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyShotSpotter Respond, ShotSpotter Investigate and ShotSpotter GCM, ShotSpotter Connect, ShotSpotter SecureCampus and ShotSpotter SiteSecure14.3%Subscribe now213
482Sphera Solutions, Inc.Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesSpheraCloud4.9%Subscribe now1100
483SPICA GROUPAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, Utilitiesallhours, myhours, doorcloud, timespace, frontman find8.3%Subscribe now200
484SS&C TechnologiesAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSS&C Cloud Solutions, Blue Prism,15.6%Subscribe now26600
485SSI GroupHealthcareClickON3.5%Subscribe now400
486StarRezReal Estate, Higher Education, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Youth and Elderly CareStarRez7.3%Subscribe now280
487StayinFrontConsumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, RetailStayinFront Retail Optimization Platform, StayinFront TouchCG, StayinFront Intelligent Guided Selling, StayinFront Digital, StayinFront Interactive Shelf, StayinFront Pitchbook with Augment, StayinFront Dynamic Routing, StayinFront Insight, StayinFront Van Sales/DSD, StayinFront Touch Portal, StayinFront Mobile Life Sciences CRM, StayinFront Role Based Configuration, StayinFront Closed Looped Marketing, StayinFront Briefcase, StayinFront Compliance, StayinFront Analytics, StayinFront Field Coaching9.2%Subscribe now350
488StoneCoAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationStone, Ton, Pay Me, Lynx25.7%Subscribe now15485
489STP Informationstechnologie GmbHProfessional ServicesLEXolution, Winsolvenz15.7%Subscribe now300
490SubexCommunicationsSubex HyperSense, Subex Fraud Management, Subex ROC, Subex Sectrio4.4%Subscribe now1000
491SurePoint TechnologiesProfessional ServicesSurePoint Platform, Coyote Analytics Cloud, ContactEase CRM9.8%Subscribe now200
492SylogistK12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitSylogistGov, SylogistEd, SylogistMission22.2%Subscribe now160
493Symphony RetailAIBanking and Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesSymphony Retail Cloud,25%Subscribe now3000
494Syncron ABAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesSYNCRON PRICE, Syncron Inventory, Syncron Order, Syncron Uptime, Syncron MasterData,8.7%Subscribe now700
495Synergix TechnologiesConstruction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesSynergix ERP11.4%Subscribe now150
496SYSPROAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, ChemicalsSYSPRO ERP2.7%Subscribe now500
497Tango AnalyticsBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, RetailTango Suite​11.8%Subscribe now190
498TeamSystem S.p.A.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTeamSystem Enterprise, TeamSystem Enterprise Cloud, TeamSystem HR, TeamSystem Enterprise CRM-5.7%Subscribe now3246
499TebraHealthcarePatientPop, Kareo10.9%Subscribe now1000
500TechnologyOneBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional ServicesTechnologyOne Cloud, OneCouncil SaaS ERP19.7%Subscribe now1200
501TeleTrackingHealthcareTeleTracking IQ, SynapseIQ Enterprise Analytics4.6%Subscribe now500
502TELUS Health (including LifeWorks )Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTELUS Health, TELUS Agriculture18.7%Subscribe now108500
503Temenos Group AGBanking and Financial ServicesTemenos Core Banking, Temenos Digital, Temenos Payments, Temenos Infinity, Temenos Islamic Banking6.4%Subscribe now7566
504TenantCloudReal EstateTenantCloud11.8%Subscribe now100
505Tensor plcAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesWinTA.NET, WinHR-7.7%Subscribe now110
506TEOCOCommunicationsHelix Unified Service Assurance Software Suite,2.1%Subscribe now1000
507The Craneware GroupHealthcareTrisus Enterprise Value Platform5.3%Subscribe now734
508The Innovation GroupAutomotive, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Professional Services, TransportationInnovation Gateway11.4%Subscribe now2294
509Thomson ReutersAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCLEAR, CLEAR Risk Inform, PeopleMap, HighQ, HighQ Contract Analysis, Digital Evidence Center, Case Center, Pondera Solutions, Checkpoint, Checkpoint Edge (U.S. & Canada), FindLaw, 3E 3E Cloud, ProLaw, Legal One, Firm Central28.1%Subscribe now25200
510Thought MachineBanking and Financial ServicesVault Core, Vault Payments8.3%Subscribe now500
511TietoEVRYAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesEmric Leasing software, TietoEVRY Data Analytics Sandbox, TietoEVRY AML, TietoEVRY Payment Hub, TietoEVRY Collection Suite Nova-2.6%Subscribe now24320
512Tigernix SingaporeAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTigernixERP, TigernixCRM, TigernixCMS, TigernixSMS, TigernixPMS, TigernixCharity, TigernixWMS, TigernixProperty, TigernixHMS, TigernixHRMS, TigernixBI, Tigernix eCommerce5.3%Subscribe now100
513TimeTec GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTimeTec Workforce Management6.1%Subscribe now80
514Tithe.lyFaith-Based Nonprofittithe.ly4.5%Subscribe now200
515TMA SystemsAerospace and Defense, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTMA Systems WebTMA10.2%Subscribe now170
516To-IncreaseBanking and Financial Services, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationDynaRent, RapidValue7%Subscribe now180
517ToastLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, RetailToast POS, xtraCHEF by Toast, Toast Capital53.7%Subscribe now5500
518TopSolidAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Transportation, UtilitiesTopSolid,8.8%Subscribe now380
519TotalmobileCommunications, Construction, Real Estate, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesTotalMobile Mobilise, TotalMobile Optimise, TotalMobile Connect, TotalMobile Organise, TotalMobile Protect, TotalMobile Insight, TotalMobile Utilise11.7%Subscribe now375
520TotalSoftAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCharisma ERP, Charisma HCM18.8%Subscribe now600
521TOTVSBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTOTVS ERP,17.2%Subscribe now10000
522TouchPoint SoftwareFaith-Based NonprofitTouchPoint5.9%Subscribe now30
523TPG SoftwareBanking and Financial Services, Real Estate, State and Local GovernmentPortfolio Genius, Derivative Genius, Safekeeping Genius7.4%Subscribe now50
524TravelPerkAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTravelPerk Travel Management, TravelSafe, FlexiPerk16.7%Subscribe now1200
525TravelportLeisure and Recreation, Hospitality, TransportationTravelport Smartpoint, Travelport+0.4%Subscribe now3700
526Trayport, a TMX Group CompanyBanking and Financial Services, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesJoule, Broker Trading System, Exchange Trading System,15%Subscribe now262
527TreatwellProfessional ServicesTreatwell3.2%Subscribe now800
528Tricor GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTricor Staffi ng Solutions (TSS)7.7%Subscribe now3000
529TrimbleAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesTrimble AllTrak Cloud, Trimble API Cloud, Trimble GeoManager, Trimble Horizon, Trimble InSphere, Viewpoint3.3%Subscribe now11825
530Trintech GroupAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesCadency Platform, Adra Suite, ReconNETâ„¢, T-Recs, UPCS1.9%Subscribe now430
531TruBridge (Formerly Computer Programs and Systems)HealthcareTruBridge, HRG, TruCode, Evident, AHT, Get Real Health4.3%Subscribe now3219
532TS ImagineBanking and Financial ServicesTS One, TradeSmart, WealthSmart, RiskSmart12%Subscribe now500
533TXT e-SolutionsAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Media, Professional ServicesTXT e-Solutions Aerospace and Aviation Engineering45.3%Subscribe now2254
534Tyler TechnologiesK12, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public SafetyNew World, Odyssey and Muni ERP, Odyssey File and Serve, Orion SmartFile, iasWorld, CLT Appraisal5.5%Subscribe now7200
535UL SolutionsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesPureSafety Cloud,6%Subscribe now15000
536UltimusAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesUltimus Digital Process Automation Suite-2.1%Subscribe now190
537UnanetConstruction, Professional ServicesUnanet ERP, Unanet CRM0.9%Subscribe now375
538UNIT4Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesUnit4 Business World, Unit4 Financials, Unit4 Prevero (CPM), Unit4 Student Management, Unit4 PSA Suite, Unit4 Compright4.3%Subscribe now2700
539Upland SoftwareAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesUpland Software PowerSteering Program and Portfolio Management, Upland Software Eclipse PPM-6.1%Subscribe now1006
540Veeva Systems Inc.Life SciencesVeeva CRM, Veeva Network, Veeva OpenData, Veeva Vault, Veeva Nitro9.7%Subscribe now6744
541VelosiOil and Gas, ChemicalsVAIL-Plant (Asset Integrity Management System)5.9%Subscribe now320
542VeracrossK12, Higher EducationVeracross CRM, Veracross Accounting11.3%Subscribe now130
543Veradigm (formerly Allscripts)HealthcareVeradigm Sunrise, dbMotion2.4%Subscribe now8000
544VerifoneBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, TransportationVerifone Payment Processing1.6%Subscribe now4600
545Verint Systems Inc.Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesVerint Customer Analytics, Verint Engagement Management, Verint Workforce Optimization,3.1%Subscribe now4300
546Verisk Analytics, Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesVerisk Cloud,7.3%Subscribe now7500
547Verizon ConnectAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesVerizon Connect Fleet Tracking1.3%Subscribe now3500
548VersatermPublic SafetyVersaterm Case Service, Versaterm vCloud, Versaterm vCAD, Versaterm vMDT, Versaterm vMRE, Versaterm vRMS.17.5%Subscribe now140
549Version SystemsAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Professional Services, Retail, TransportationfactoHR9.7%Subscribe now150
550VismaAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, ERP, Visma Tripletex, Poweroffice, Visma eAccounting, Visma Netvisor, Visma e-conomic and Dinero16.7%Subscribe now15000
551Visma AcubizAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesAcubiz Invoice, Acubiz Time8.1%Subscribe now60
552VistexAutomotive, Communications, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, UtilitiesGo-to-Market Suite, Solutions for SAP, channelConduit Suite, Counterpoint Suite, VIBES,5.5%Subscribe now2000
553Visual LeaseAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesVisual Lease’s Cloud-based Lease Accounting11.6%Subscribe now200
554Vitech Systems GroupBanking and Financial Services, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Professional ServicesV3locity4.9%Subscribe now1600
555VizientHealthcareMedAssets Revenue Cycle Management,7.2%Subscribe now4000
556Vormittag Associates Inc.Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, RetailS2K Enterprise OnCloud,5.7%Subscribe now200
557VTS (ex Hightower)Banking and Financial Services, Real EstateVTS Lease17.2%Subscribe now700
558WaystarHealthcareWaystar platform, Hubble,8.6%Subscribe now1420
559WebPTHealthcareWebPT,7.6%Subscribe now800
560WellSkyState and Local Government, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause NonprofitWellSky Transfusion, WellSky Personal Care, WellSky Home Health, CareTend, powered by WellSky,WellSky Rehabilitation, WellSky Human Services, WellSky Hospice & Palliative, WellSky Specialty Care for Behavioral Health, WellSky Biotherapies Lab (formerly Transtem), WellSky Blood Centers (formerly LifeTrak), WellSky CarePort Referral Management, Wellsky Consolo Hospice, WellSky Quality & Compliance (formerly KnowledgeTrak)8%Subscribe now1600
561West Technology GroupBanking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesNotified,Mosaicx,Televox, HyperCube Networks15.4%Subscribe now12000
562WiseTech GlobalDistribution, Manufacturing, TransportationCargoWise16.9%Subscribe now3026
563Wolters KluwerAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesUpToDate, Emmi, TeamMate, CCH Axcess, CT Corporation, OneSumX, Enablon, Sentri7, CCH Tagetik, eOriginal, Kleos and eVision.2.7%Subscribe now21400
564Workcube ERPConstruction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesWorkcube ERP, Workcube CRM, Workcube HR,7.6%Subscribe now150
565World Web TechnologiesLeisure and Recreation, HospitalityWebRezPro, ActivityEngine6.9%Subscribe now60
566XIFINHealthcare, Life SciencesXIFIN platform,16.7%Subscribe now900
567YardiAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesYardi Genesis, Yardi Point2 Property Manager, Yardi Voyager SaaS,2.7%Subscribe now9000
568Yokogawa ElectricConsumer Packaged Goods, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, UtilitiesOpreX10.3%Subscribe now17084
569YonyouAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesYonBIP, NC Cloud, YonSuite, U8 Cloud, yonyou TMS, yonyou SCM, yonyou HRM, yonyou CRM5.3%Subscribe now25231
570Zeal PayrollAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesZeal Payroll, Zeal Abacus15.4%Subscribe now50
571Zebra Technologies (including Reflexis)Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Distribution, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesZebra MotionWorks Enterprise, Zebra Aurora Vision, Zebra Prescriptive Analytics, Zebra SmartCount-7.5%Subscribe now10500
572Zego (a Global Payments company)Real EstateZego Pay, Zego Smart, Zego Utility, Zego Mobile Doorman10%Subscribe now350
573ZinierAutomotive, Communications, Construction, Distribution, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Transportation, UtilitiesZinner Platform12.1%Subscribe now130
574ZKTecoAerospace and Defense, Automotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Federal Government, State and Local Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Faith-Based Nonprofit, Youth and Elderly Care, Special Cause Nonprofit, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesZKTime.Net, TimeCube, ZkTeco Cloud4.8%Subscribe now3800
575ZuoraAutomotive, Banking and Financial Services, Communications, Construction, Real Estate, Consumer Packaged Goods, Distribution, K12, Higher Education, Healthcare, Life Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty Insurance, Leisure and Recreation, Hospitality, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Media, Oil and Gas, Chemicals, Professional Services, Retail, Transportation, UtilitiesZuora Billing, Zuora Revenue, Zuora Collect, Zuora CPQ, Zephr,9.6%Subscribe now1549
576ZywaveLife Insurance, P&C Insurance, Specialty InsuranceZywave Sales Cloud, Zywave Content Cloud, Zywave Analytics Cloud, Zywave Client Cloud12%Subscribe now1000